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What happened to Assert.DoesNotThrowAsync() in xUnit?

I migrated my unit test project from version 2.0.0-beta-{something} to 2.0.0 (stable) through NuGet. It seems like Assert.DoesNotThrowAsync() is not available anymore.

For Example:

public void CanDeleteAllTempFiles() {
    Assert.DoesNotThrowAsync(async () => DocumentService.DeleteAllTempDocuments());

Results in

DocumentServiceTests.cs(11,11): Error CS0117: 'Xunit.Assert' does not contain a definition for 'DoesNotThrowAsync' (CS0117)

A workaround would be to omit the test. Is there any better solution?


  • OP is asking about async, but if anyone else got here looking for non-async equivalent then:

    public void TestConstructorDoesNotThrow()
        var exception = Record.Exception(() => new MyClass());