Search code examples

How to select all rows with max values in a derived table?

I have the following table called "table3"

| name |
| aaa  |
| aaa  |
| aaa  |
| aaa  |
| aaa  |
| aaa  |
| bbb  |
| bbb  |
| bbb  |
| bbb  |
| ccc  |
| ccc  |
| ccc  |
| ccc  |
| ccc  |
| ccc  |
| ccc  |
| ccc  |
| ccc  |

when I got count for each name, I got

mysql>select name,count(name) as count from table3 group by name order by name;
| name | count |
| aaa  |     6 |
| bbb  |     4 |
| ccc  |     9 |

so I ran the following query to return and names and max count net to them

mysql> select name from (select name,count(name) as count from table3 group by name order by name) as tbl where tbl.count=(select max(count) from tbl);

expecting the following result

| name |
| ccc  |

but I get this error

ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'tests.tbl' doesn't exist

Ihave done aliasing correctly, but the table alias "tbl" isn't identified in the part ".....unt=(select max(count) from tbl)"

then I used this queries too

mysql> select name from (select name,count(name) as count from table3 group by name order by name) as tbl where tbl.count=(select max(count) from tbl) as tb1;

mysql> select name from (select name,count(name) as count from table3 group by name order by name) as tbl where tbl.count=((select max(count) from tbl) as tb1);   //extra couple of parenthesis 

they also give some different errors. Nothing was succeeded

How to fix this problem without deriving another table from the original table (table3)


  • You can use limit:

    select name
    from t
    group by name
    order by count(*) desc
    limit 1;

    If there can be ties and you want all values in that case, then use rank():

    select name
    from (select name, count(*) as cnt,
                 rank() over (order by count(*) desc) as seqnum
          from t
          group by name
         ) n
    where seqnum = 1;