I'm having a weird problem with a section of my site. on an h2 tag, I want to use the CSS ellipsis property whenever the text is overflowing the screen size.
Now, this is a repetitive section I am using on this page - and the only difference is the font applied to the h2 tag - so I know the CSS style I am using is good (overflow: hidden, text-overflow: ellipsis, and etc...)
Can anyone help me find what is the problem?
here is a screenshot of the section that is working the right way:
here is a screenshot of the section that is not working the right way
You can visit the site at - https://www.hacollective.com/ and test in mobile size in order to see the difference.
The id of the part with the h2 problem is "col-221542828"
Thanks in advance,
The problem with missing ellipse points lies in the font specified for this h2
- font-family: tzur,sans-serif!important
.font-tzur {
font-family: tzur,sans-serif!important;
Which are loaded from the font-load-tzur.css
Check the correctness of loading this font tzur
For example - If you put a different font, the ellipse points will appear.