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Problem with bootstrapping pages in Magnolia 6.2

I'm trying to bootstrap page so it will be available on different servers after deployment new WAR file.

Here are steps what I did:

  • design MyPage page in author Page app on local dev server
  • open JCR App and export MyPage page as yaml and xml into tmp folder
  • delete existing MyPage from Page app (it's only marked as deleted)
  • stop server with deployed magnolia-cms-webapp

1st attempt: bootstrap as page belongs to module "myModule"

  • build and start server
  • confirm that page wasn't bootstrapped

2nd attempt: bootstrap as page in WEB-INF\bootstrap\common folder

  • build and start server
  • confirm that page wasn't bootstrapped

I've tried both YAML and XML exported files

What else I can try?


  • Bootstrapping files only happens while installing a module. If the module had been already installed, adding files won't have any effect on the instance.