I plan to save data in "medic_reminder" collection for a specific user with uid. But I dont know how to pass the user uid that currently login through my application.
Here are the index.js for the Dialogflow fulfillment, here I am already specify the user uid:
async function handlerSaveFromDB(agent){
const medicName = agent.parameters.medicName;
const quantityTime = agent.parameters.quantiy;
const dateEnded = agent.parameters.dateEnded;
const dosage = agent.parameters.dosage;
const timeFormat = agent.parameters.time;
const time = new Date(timeFormat);
const minutes = time.getMinutes();
const hour = time.getHours() -16;
const ref = db.collection('users').doc('wM4uxxxxxxx').collection('medic_reminder').doc('5');
const data = {
dateEnded: new Date(dateEnded),
dosage: dosage,
hour: hour,
howManyTimeDay: 0,
id: '5',
medName: medicName,
min: minutes,
quantityTime: quantityTime,
status: true
const res = await ref.set(data);
fulfillmentText: `Your reminder was saved`
Here is my Dialogflow request:
Future<AIResponse> detectIntent(String query) async {
String queryParams = '{"resetContexts": ${this.resetContexts} }';
if (payload.isNotEmpty) {
queryParams =
'{"resetContexts": ${this.resetContexts}, "payload": $payload}';
String body =
'{"queryInput":{"audioConfig":{"languageCode":"$language"}},"outputAudioConfig":{"audioEncoding":"OUTPUT_AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR_16"}, "inputAudio":"$query","queryParams": $queryParams}';
var response = await authGoogle.post(_getUrl(),
headers: {
HttpHeaders.authorizationHeader: "Bearer ${authGoogle.getToken}"
body: body);
return AIResponse(body: json.decode(response.body));
Please help me with any suggestions on how do I get the logged in user uid. Thanks
First you need to add the uid to the variable named payload. Based on your code, it seems that payload is a global variable, so if it's currently empty, just go ahead and add the user (see this question to know how to get the uid from Firebase):
String uId = "uxxxx"; // This is an example variable, here you'll have your user from Firebase
String payload = '{"uId":"$uId"}'; // Add it to a payload string
In your flutter code, you are already prepared to send the payload information in the detectIntent request, so no need to change that part:
if (payload.isNotEmpty) {
queryParams =
'{"resetContexts": ${this.resetContexts}, "payload": $payload}';
Finally, in your fulfillment code, it seems that you're using the dialogflow-fulfillment-nodejs
library, so you need to access the payload in the originalRequest property in order to get the uId:
let uId = agent.originalRequest.payload.uId;
And that's it! Now you can use it on the rest of your fulfillment code.