I am trying to upload a file using RESTSharp in vb.net.
I am not able to complete this.
Following is the code I am trying.
Public Function CreateUploadFileRequest(ByVal path As String, ByVal filename As String, ByVal fileStream As Stream) As RestRequest
Dim request = New RestRequest(Method.POST)
request.Timeout = Integer.MaxValue
request.Resource = "{version}/files/dropbox{path}"
request.AddParameter("version", _version, ParameterType.UrlSegment)
request.AddParameter("path", path, ParameterType.UrlSegment)
request.AddParameter("file", filename)
request.AddFile("file", fileStream, filename) '---I am wrong at this line
Return request
End Function
I found C# code, but not able to convert a particular line in vb.net
request.AddFile(FieldName, (s) =>
}, FileName, ContentType);
If I convert above into vb.net, then it does not work. Below is converted code.
request.AddFile("file", Function(s)
End Function, FileName, ContentType)
I also found one more line in c# but same is not working in vb.net after code convert.
[in C#] request.AddFile ("file", s => StreamUtils.CopyStream (fileStream, s), filename);
Converted to vb.net , [Not working]
[in vb.net] request.AddFile("file", Function(s) StreamUtils.CopyStream(fileStream, s), filename)
Following is working:
dim ms as new MemoryStream()
request.AddFile("file", ms.ToArray(), "123.pdf_or_whateverfilename")
Comment: ms will be filled by the respective function in my code. In my case, it will be written by the pdf generator function.