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SQLite group by all the days in selected date range even data not exsist

I have a table invoice with two columns, date and total I want get last 30 days total group by all days of the month (or else last 7 days groups by all days of the week)

date     total
11/16    500
11/23    200
12/2     400
12/4     600

I have tried something like this,

SELECT strftime('%m/%d', Date) as valDay, SUM(Total) 
FROM invoice  
GROUP BY valDay 
Order By Date DESC LIMIT 30 ;

It gives last 30 records. but I want records for all last 30 days even the table have no data for some of days (it must return 0 as total for that days)


  • You can use a recursive query to generate the dates, then bring the table with a left join, and aggregate:

    with recursive cte as (
        select date('now') as dt,  date('now', '-30 day') last_dt
        union all select date(dt, '-1 day'), last_dt from cte where dt > last_dt
    select c.dt, coalesce(sum(, 0) as total
    from cte c
    left join invoice i on >= c.dt and < date(c.dt, '+1 day')
    group by c.dt
    order by c.dt desc