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How can I know which observable has changed in combineLatest in RxAndroid?

I am using Flowable.combineLatest(query,params) for listening query change and some param change but now I want to introduce pagination and listen to offset changes , but the problem here is when query is changing I need to reset offset. Wondering how can I achieve it with RxAndroid? Basically we observe 3 or more objects (query, offset, connectionChange) what I want to achieve is listen changes of any of the observables + when query is changed update the value for offset


  • To see where the value came from, you have to tag the values in some fashion, which requires per-source transformation. For example:

    data class Tuple<T>(val value: T, val index: Long) { ... }
    Flowable.defer {
        var indices: Array<Long>(4) { 0 }
        var latests: Array<Long>(4) { 0 }
   { Tuple(it, indices[0]++) },
   { Tuple(it, indices[1]++) },
   { Tuple(it, indices[2]++) },
   { Tuple(it, indices[3]++) },
            { tuple1, tuple2, tuple3, tuple4 -> 
                 if (tuple1.index != latests[0]) {
                     // first source changed
                 if (tuple2.index != latests[1]) {
                     // second source changed
                 if (tuple3.index != latests[2]) {
                     // third source changed
                 if (tuple4.index != latests[3]) {
                     // fourth source changed
                 latests[0] = tuple1.index
                 latests[1] = tuple2.index
                 latests[2] = tuple3.index
                 latests[3] = tuple4.index