I have a MySQL table, sales, with this contents:
| id | name | amount |
| 1 | Alice | 12 |
| 2 | Bob | 10 |
| 3 | Alice | 14 |
| 4 | Bob | 2 |
| 5 | Alice | 6 |
| 6 | Bob | 23 |
| 7 | Bob | 5 |
| 8 | Alice | 12 |
For each name I want to find the two rows with the highest amount. In other words, I want a query that returns this result:
| id | name | amount |
| 3 | Alice | 14 |
| 1 | Alice | 12 |
| 6 | Bob | 23 |
| 2 | Bob | 10 |
(Only one of rows 1 and 8 should be included in the result. It doesn't matter which.)
How can I do that?
Row 8 in the table added to clarify the handling of ties.
If you are running MySQL 8.0, just use window functions:
select *
from (
select s.*,
rank() over(partition by name order by amount desc) rn
from sales s
) s
where rn <= 2
order by name, amount desc
This allows top 2 ties, if any.
In earlier versions, one option uses a subquery for filtering:
select *
from sales s
where (select count(*) from sales s1 where s1.name = s.name and s1.amount > s.amount) < 2
order by name, amount desc