I have recently started programming and written a fairly simple program. But stuck at a point. My program does a very simple thing that when you click a button it will say a line and shows that text on the screen. But it is speaking the text first and then displays it on the screen but I want its reverse, i.e it should first display it on the screen and then speak the text.
from tkinter import *
import pyttsx3
root = Tk()
def speak():
engine = pyttsx3.init()
say = "I am speaking."
text.insert("0.0", say)
text = Text(root)
btn = Button(root, text="speak", command=speak)
Thanks in advance.
It is because engine.runAndWait()
blocks the application, and so text box cannot be updated by tkinter mainloop until the speaking completed.
You can call text.update_idletasks()
to force tkinter to update the text box before the speaking:
engine = pyttsx3.init() # initialize only once
def speak():
say = "I am speaking."
text.insert("0.0", say)
text.update_idletasks() # force tkinter update