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In Python, how do I type hint 'has attribute'?

Consider this contrived example;

class A:
    name: str = "John"

class B:
    name: str = "Doe"

Q: How do I type hint an object that has an attribute, such as the following?

def print_name(obj: HasAttr['name'])

I understand the SO rule on showing what you have tried. The best I can offer is that I've searched the docs; Pep526, PythonSheets, Docs, and am aware of this SO Question. None seem to help (or maybe I missed it.)

[Edit] I recognize that you can get there with inheritance, but I don't want to go that route.


  • So, what you are describing is structural typing. This is distinct from the class-based nominal subtyping that the python typing system is based on. However, structural subtyping is sort of the statically typed version of Python's dynamic duck typing.

    Python's typing system allows a form of this through typing.Protocol.

    An example, suppose we have a Python module,

    from typing import Protocol
    from dataclasses import dataclass
    class Named(Protocol):
        name: str
    class A:
        name: str
        id: int
    class B:
        name: int
    class C:
        foo: str
    def frobnicate(obj: Named) -> int:
        return sum(map(ord,
    frobnicate(A('Juan', 1))

    Using mypy version 0.790:

    (py38) juanarrivillaga@Juan-Arrivillaga-MacBook-Pro ~ % mypy error: Argument 1 to "frobnicate" has incompatible type "B"; expected "Named" note: Following member(s) of "B" have conflicts: note:     name: expected "str", got "int" error: Argument 1 to "frobnicate" has incompatible type "C"; expected "Named"
    Found 2 errors in 1 file (checked 1 source file)