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Interrupt a really long sleep function

I need a way to interrupt a long sleep function, without splitting it into multiple sleep(1) or any shorter time. The way to stop it can be any possible way, including threading.

For deeper explanation, what i am trying to do is testing sleep's limit, so I am writing a automate program repeat calling sleep. Catching all OverflowError raised by sleep.

What I've tried:

from time import sleep
import threading
def test(x):
    sleep(x) #kill the thread or anyway to interrupt the sleep AFTER execution
    return 1
addigit = True
t = ""
while True:
  if addigit:
    t= t+"9"
  th = threading.Thread(target = test,args=(int(t),))
  ex = th.start()
  #threading.Lock.release() not working
  if ex:
    if addigit:
      addigit = False

Notice that the code is incomplete, I only need the way of stopping sleep right after executed it. (I only need the exception raised by sleep, I don't want to wait for years to know the answer)

The flag or stop statement check(if stop:exit) way won't work, because they are executed after sleep.


  • I would instead call wait() on a threading.Event object. It's what I typically do for a problem like this.

    Here is an example: