I am very new to BigQuery and standard SQL. I might not be able to figure out the correct approach to solve a problem. Please help me out.
I have a Country Column and a ID column. Example shown below:
Country | ID
USA | id_1
USA | id_2
USA | id_1
UK | id_1
UK | id_1
UK | id_2
UK | id_3
AUS | id_3
AUS | id_4
AUS | id_2
I want a resulting column such as:
Output 1: UNIQUE OVERLAPPING ID values across all the countries
Country | Unique_overlapping_ids
USA | 2
UK | 3
AUS | 2
Output 2: UNIQUE non-OVERLAPPING ID values across all the countries
Country | Non_Unique_overlapping_ids
USA | 0
UK | 0
AUS | 1
I have 88 distinct Countries and over 5M unique IDs
Please help me. Thank you for your time and patience.
Below is for BigQuery Standard SQL
select country,
count(distinct if(shared, id, null)) as Unique_overlapping_ids,
count(distinct if(shared, null, id)) as Unique_non_overlapping_ids
from `project.dataset.table`
join (
select id, count(distinct country) > 1 shared
from `project.dataset.table`
group by id
) using(id)
group by country
if to apply to sample data from your question - output is