Given the following chart created in plotly.
I want to add the percentage values of each count for M and F categories inside each block.
The code used to generate this plot.
arr = np.array([
['Dog', 'M'], ['Dog', 'M'], ['Dog', 'F'], ['Dog', 'F'],
['Cat', 'F'], ['Cat', 'F'], ['Cat', 'F'], ['Cat', 'M'],
['Fox', 'M'], ['Fox', 'M'], ['Fox', 'M'], ['Fox', 'F'],
['Dog', 'F'], ['Dog', 'F'], ['Cat', 'F'], ['Dog', 'M']
df = pd.DataFrame(arr, columns=['A', 'G'])
fig = px.histogram(df, x="A", color='G', barmode="stack")
fig.update_layout(height=400, width=800)
As far as I know histograms in Plotly don't have a text attribute. But you could generate the bar chart yourself and then add the percentage via the text attribute.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import as px
arr = np.array([
['Dog', 'M'], ['Dog', 'M'], ['Dog', 'F'], ['Dog', 'F'],
['Cat', 'F'], ['Cat', 'F'], ['Cat', 'F'], ['Cat', 'M'],
['Fox', 'M'], ['Fox', 'M'], ['Fox', 'M'], ['Fox', 'F'],
['Dog', 'F'], ['Dog', 'F'], ['Cat', 'F'], ['Dog', 'M']
df = pd.DataFrame(arr, columns=['A', 'G'])
df_g = df.groupby(['A', 'G']).size().reset_index()
df_g['percentage'] = df.groupby(['A', 'G']).size().groupby(level=0).apply(lambda x: 100 * x / float(x.sum())).values
df_g.columns = ['A', 'G', 'Counts', 'Percentage'], x='A', y=['Counts'], color='G', text=df_g['Percentage'].apply(lambda x: '{0:1.2f}%'.format(x)))