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Dependency injection management with 'Unit of work' and 'Repository' design patterns using SqlConnection instance

A lot of time, I face a situation where I want to execute a number of statements without re-opening a connection.

So my practice so far is to create a 'unit of work' class, open a connection and pass it to all the repositories.

Here is an example of code that I have:

public class BasicEmailUnitOfWork : IBasicEmailUnitOfWork
        private readonly IDNTConnectionFactory _conn; 

        public BasicEmailUnitOfWork(IDNTConnectionFactory connection)
            _conn = connection; 

        public (string, string, string, string, string) RenderEmailTemplate(string emailTemplateEventName, int userId)
            string userPhone = String.Empty;
            string userEmail = String.Empty;
            string emailTitletranslatedContent = String.Empty;
            string emailBodytranslatedContent = String.Empty;
            string smstranslatedContent = String.Empty;

                IDbConnection connectionDb = _conn.GetConnection();

                IEmailSMSTemplateRepository _emailSMSTemplateRepository = new EmailSMSTemplateRepository(connectionDb);

                IUserInformationRepository _userInformationRepository = new UserInformationRepository(connectionDb);

                List<EmailSMSTemplateTDO> emailSmsesList = _emailSMSTemplateRepository.GetAllTemplates(emailTemplateEventName);

                UserInfoDTO userInfoDTO = _userInformationRepository.GetAllInformation(userId);
                userPhone = userInfoDTO.Phone;
                userEmail = userInfoDTO.Email;

                foreach (EmailSMSTemplateTDO emailTemplate in emailSmsesList)
                    emailTitletranslatedContent = TranslateContent(connectionDb, userInfoDTO, emailTemplate.EmailTitle);

                    emailBodytranslatedContent = TranslateContent(connectionDb, userInfoDTO, emailTemplate.EmailBody);

                    if (emailTemplate.IsSMS)
                        smstranslatedContent = TranslateContent(connectionDb, userInfoDTO, emailTemplate.SMSBody);
            catch(Exception ex)

            return (userPhone, userEmail,emailTitletranslatedContent, emailBodytranslatedContent, smstranslatedContent);

    private string TranslateContent(IDbConnection connectionDb, UserInfoDTO userInfoDTO, string content)
            InterpreterContext intContext = new InterpreterContext();
            intContext.user = userInfoDTO;
            intContext.Content = content;

            IExpression emailSMSContentInterpreter = new EmailSMSContentInterpreter(connectionDb);
            return emailSMSContentInterpreter.BodyContentOutPut;

Although, I can unit test the repositories without a problem, I have 2 dependencies in the function: EmailSMSTemplateRepository and UserInformationRepository.

What is the best practice? What other way is there to share the connection, take note also that I need some class to dispose of the connection when the object is being disposed or if there is an error.

By the way, I use Dapper for the application, same micro-ORM that was used to build this site.


  • In the past I've approached this via the use of a Connection Factory -> Data Session -> Unit of Work -> Repository pattern.

    Something like -

    public interface IUnitOfWork : IDisposable
        Guid Id { get; }
        IDbConnection Connection { get; }
        IDbTransaction Transaction { get; }
        void Begin();
        void Commit();
        void Rollback();
    public sealed class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
        internal UnitOfWork(IDbConnection connection)
            _id = Guid.NewGuid();
            _connection = connection;
        private readonly IDbConnection _connection = null;
        private IDbTransaction _transaction = null;
        private readonly Guid _id;
        IDbConnection IUnitOfWork.Connection => _connection;
        IDbTransaction IUnitOfWork.Transaction => _transaction;
        Guid IUnitOfWork.Id => _id;
        public void Begin()
            _transaction = _connection.BeginTransaction();
        public void Commit()
        public void Rollback()
        public void Dispose()
            _transaction = null;
    //define enum's that describe various databases you might want to connect to
    //the db type/engine is an implementation detail handled by the connection factory
    public enum DatabaseInstance
    //abstracts the 'how do i connect to the database?' question
    public interface IDbConnectionFactory
        IDbConnection GetConnection(DatabaseInstance database);
    //for instance - 
    public class SqlDbConnectionFactory : IDbConnectionFactory
        public IDbConnection GetConnection(DatabaseInstance database)
            //return a IDbConnection for a given DatabaseInstance value
            //possible implementations could be storing a DatabaseInstance->Connectionstring map dictionary that is populated in the constructor
    public interface IDataAccessSession : IDisposable
        IUnitOfWork UnitOfWork { get; }
        void StartSession(DatabaseInstance databaseInstance);
    //one possible implementation - use a connection factory and requested instance to create an IUnitOfWork for consumers to use
    public sealed class DataAccessSession : IDataAccessSession
        private IDbConnection _connection = null;
        private readonly IDbConnectionFactory _dbConnectionFactory;
        public DalSession(IDbConnectionFactory dbConnectionFactory)
            _dbConnectionFactory = dbConnectionFactory;
        public void StartSession(DatabaseInstance databaseInstance)
            _connection = _dbConnectionFactory.GetConnection(databaseInstance);
            UnitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(_connection);
        public IUnitOfWork UnitOfWork { get; private set; }
        public void Dispose()
    //then there's an extension method (in practice a helper overload per DatabaseInstance as well
    //starts a session, passes the unit of work to the consumer task, commit/rollsback, and then disposes
    public static class DataAccessSessionExtensions
        public static async Task<T> RunTransactionAsync<T>(this IDataAccessSession dataAccessSession, DatabaseInstance instance, Func<IUnitOfWork, Task<T>> functionToRun, bool rollbackOnException=false)
                var result = await functionToRun(dataAccessSession.UnitOfWork);
                return result;
            catch (SqlException)
    //then in your dependency injection container ( core here)
    //if  you needed to say connect to mongo for one and sql for another this would need a bit further refinement as the MS DI Api doesn't handle that well, you'd need to do something like pass collections of connection factory/instance->connections instead as one possible solution
    //this can be a singleton as it doesn't store live connections, just how to map requests to new connections
    services.AddSingleton<IDbConnectionFactory>(i => new SqlDbConnectionFactory(/*pass in a values for connection strings per data base instance defined*/)); 
    //should be scoped so that a new instance is created/disposed per DI request         
    services.AddScoped<IDalSession, DalSession>();
    //finally usage would be like so
    public class SomeService : ISomeService
        private readonly IDataAccessSession _dataAccessSession;
        private readonly ISomeRepo _someRepo;
        Private readonly ISomeOtherRepo _someOtherRepo
        public SomeService (IDataAccessSession dataAccessSession, ISomeRepo someRepo, ISomeOtherRepo someOtherRepo)
            _dataAccessSession = dataAccessSession;
            _someRepo = someRepo;
            _someOtherRepo = someOtherRepo;
        // at this point all needed repo's are handed a single UnitOfWork that represents the connection and transaction and a session that will clean up afterwards 
        public async Task<SomeResult> DoSomeThing(string param1, int param2)
            var result = await _dataAccessSession.RunTransactionAsync(DatabaseInstance.Whatever, async uow =>
                //critical - forget this and things will go boom
                _someRepo.UnitOfWork = uow;
                _someOtherRepo.UnitOfWork = uow;
               var repo1Value = await _someRepo.SomeAction(param1);
               var repo2Value = await _someOtherRepo.GetAThing(param2);
               return new SomeResult(repo1Value, repo2Value);
            return Task.FromResult(result);

    One weak point was that I never did find a better way to pass the unit of work to the repo layer besides requiring them to implement a receiving property and then populated it before use. It means it would be easy for a dev to forget that step and run into errors.

    public interface IHasUnitOfWork 
        IUnitOfWork UnitOfWork { get; set; }
    public interface IDataRepo : IHasUnitOfWork
    public interface ISomeRepo : IDataRepo
        Task UpdateSomethingAsync();
    //at the time of implementing the repo the promise is that UnitOfWork will be non-null with a valid open connection 
    //that is ready to exec against and that if a sql exception is thrown a rollback will be initiated (if flag is set)
    //though note that if multiple repos are sharing this unit of work and a different one throws, this repo's calls will also rollback as it considers all actions to be under a single transaction scope per IDataAccessSession
    public SomeRepo : ISomeRepo 
        public IUnitOfWork UnitOfWork { get; set; }
        public async Task UpdateSomethingAsync()
            await UnitOfWork.Connection.ExecuteAsync("sproc", .....);