I want to find a row based on an ID then, and edit the whole row. The way I am trying (Which might not be the most optimal way), is by finding the row using .find() but even tho I can find the content of the row I can't fint the Range to Edit:
sheet = client.open(Sheets.sheetname).worksheet(worksheet)
row = sheet.row_values(sheet.find(str,in_column=1).row)
return row
This will return: [{'id': 3, 'date': '2020/12/26', 'country': 'chile', 'city': 'Torres del Paine', 'name': 'Punta Arenas/Torres del Paine', 'comment': 'Viagem de Onibus', 'address': 'Puerto Natales Chile', 'latitude': -51.7308935, 'longitude': -72.4977407, 'cost': '$0.00', 'days': 1, 'category': 'bus', 'media': 'www.youtube.com'}]
But I can't find the range of this row to perform an .update()
Any ideas? Thanks!
You can get the range by manipulating the row and col properties of find() method.
Try this code below:
import gspread
#convert number to column letter
def colnum_string(n):
string = ""
while n > 0:
n, remainder = divmod(n - 1, 26)
string = chr(65 + remainder) + string
return string
gc = gspread.service_account()
sh = gc.open("test").sheet1
cell = sh.find("3",in_column=1)
#get row number
row = cell.row
#get column number
col = cell.col
col_start = colnum_string(col)
row_len = len(sh.row_values(row))
col_end = colnum_string(row_len)
print("range is: %s%s:%s%s" % (col_start, row, col_end, row))
range is: A4:D4