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How to find a row based on an ID and then edit the row with gspread python

I want to find a row based on an ID then, and edit the whole row. The way I am trying (Which might not be the most optimal way), is by finding the row using .find() but even tho I can find the content of the row I can't fint the Range to Edit:

sheet =
row = sheet.row_values(sheet.find(str,in_column=1).row)
return row

This will return: [{'id': 3, 'date': '2020/12/26', 'country': 'chile', 'city': 'Torres del Paine', 'name': 'Punta Arenas/Torres del Paine', 'comment': 'Viagem de Onibus', 'address': 'Puerto Natales Chile', 'latitude': -51.7308935, 'longitude': -72.4977407, 'cost': '$0.00', 'days': 1, 'category': 'bus', 'media': ''}]

But I can't find the range of this row to perform an .update()

Any ideas? Thanks!


  • You can get the range by manipulating the row and col properties of find() method.

    Try this code below:

    import gspread
    #convert number to column letter    
    def colnum_string(n):
        string = ""
        while n > 0:
            n, remainder = divmod(n - 1, 26)
            string = chr(65 + remainder) + string
        return string
    gc = gspread.service_account()
    sh ="test").sheet1
    cell = sh.find("3",in_column=1)
    #get row number
    row = cell.row
    #get column number
    col = cell.col
    col_start = colnum_string(col)
    row_len = len(sh.row_values(row))
    col_end = colnum_string(row_len)
    print("range is: %s%s:%s%s" % (col_start, row, col_end, row))


    range is: A4:D4




    finding a cell

    convert number to spreadsheet letter