I am making an API call using Retrofit2 and RxJava. The thing is that I want to make a second API call with the response (in this case an integer) received from the first api call. My doubt regards that both
Disposable subscribe(@NonNull Consumer<? super T> onSuccess, @NonNull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError)
method and
<R> Single<R> flatMap(@NonNull Function<? super T, ? extends SingleSource<? extends R>> mapper
look like are able to use the result of the first api call to call a second api call with it. So, which method, either subscribe
or flatMap
should I use to make a second api call with the result of the first and why? Do I have to use one or the other depending on whether the first api call's result is iterable or not?
I think you want something like this:
fun firstRequest(): Single<Int> = Single.just(10)
fun secondRequest(valueFromFirst: Int): Single<Int> = Single.just(valueFromFirst*2)
fun mappedRequest(): Single<Int> {
return firstRequest().flatMap {
So, now you can have the mappedRequest() accessible from everywhere. You can "prepare" your request by doing:
val requestSingle = mappedRequest()
In this case, you have only the single. The request is not running yet, but is ready to run. To effectively run it:
requestSingle.subscribe { handleResult(it) }