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How to use custom elements without hyphen in their name?

I have a XML file and want to insert it into HTML. There is <book> tags in the XML, so I want to define a custom element <book>.

However, it seems that a hypen (-) in the name is required...

I don't want to write tags like <my-book> in the XML file.

Is there a way?


  • Custom Elements must contain a hyphen.

    But nothing stops you from using <book> notation in your XML and then client-side parse all those unknown tags to something else. But you will get a FOUC

      <book id="The World according to Garp" />
      <book id="The war of the worlds" />
      <book id="Around the world in eighty days" /> 
      Bye Bye World
      customElements.define('my-book-elements', class extends HTMLElement {
        connectedCallback() {
          setTimeout(() => { // make sure we can work with the inner DOM nodes
            this.append(...[...this.querySelectorAll("*")].map(node => {
              let book = document.createElement("my-" + node.localName);
              //node.remove();// not required, innerHTML will replace everything
              return book;
      customElements.define("my-book", class extends HTMLElement {
        connectedCallback() {
          this.innerHTML = `<div>${}</div>`;