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in vscode how do I set the default container

Looking at the vscode documentation and section

3. After picking the starting point for your container, VS Code will add the dev container configuration files to your project (.devcontainer/devcontainer.json).

I can see that the correct container is launched each time, but I do not see a reference to it in the .devcontainer/devcontainer.json

    "name": "myContainer",
    "build": {
        "dockerfile": "Dockerfile"
    "runArgs": [
    // Set *default* container specific settings.json values on container create.
    "settings": {
        "": "/bin/bash",
        "lldb.executable": "/usr/bin/lldb",
        // VS Code don't watch files under ./target
        "files.watcherExclude": {
            "**/target/**": true
    // Add the IDs of extensions you want installed when the container is created.
    "extensions": [
    // Use 'postCreateCommand' to run commands after the container is created.
    // "postCreateCommand": "rustc --version",
    // Comment out connect as root instead. More info:
    "remoteUser": "vscode"

then in section

"image": "",

If I am using docker desktop on windows how do format the uri to match the docker desktop container location? for example a docker ps -a returns a NAME of interesting_mccarth. I do not see how the above string matches to my container I wish to use as default.


  • In your example, the devcontainer.json file references the Dockerfile and it is the Dockerfile that references the image to use.

    "build": {
        "dockerfile": "Dockerfile"

    So whether it is a local or remote image that you want to reference inside your Dockerfile is really up to you. Here is an SO answer describing how to use a local image inside a Dockerfile.