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CanvasJS React - How to make a pie chart slice highlight (aka explode) while at the same time handling the click event

I'm working in React and using this pie chart from canvasjs:

The chart has an optional 'click' function for handling events. Here is the documentation for that.

The problem is when I implement 'click', and call a function to update my label (in a parent component) it changes the default behavior and no longer expands the slice.

I've tried lots of different things to fix it, but it seems I cannot get around the problem.

This code works to update the label in the parent - notice the line 'click: this.props.onSliceSelected'. I can then get the slice label from the event and update my label.

But as mentioned, the slice no longer expands when I do this.

data: [{
                type: "pie",
                animationEnabled: true,
                startAngle: 75,
                toolTipContent: "Select: <b>{label}</b> - {y}% of Total",
                showInLegend: false,
                legendText: "{label}",
                indexLabelFontSize: 16,
                indexLabelFontColor: "white",
                indexLabel: "{label}",
                click: this.props.onSliceSelected,
                dataPoints: sortedData,


I have tried to many other things to ensure the slice is getting selected - most involved trying to set exploded = true on the datapoint.

I cannot find a working example of how to do this anywhere.

Appreciate any ideas.

EDIT - Here is a screen shot, I need to update 'selected task' (outside of the chart and in the parent component). Right now the label will update, but the chart will not expand!

enter image description here


  • To update label in pie chart on clicking each slice, you can update dataPoints[index].label in chart-options and call chart.render(). Here is a working StackBlitz for the same.