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How to make some parts of an image/widget transparent as shown in the screenshots

I want to make this image or widget at the end transparent with a LinearGradient gradient. Honestly I'm not entirely sure how to do this, because I only know how to make the entire image/widget transparent with the Opacity widget.

Can someone help me here with an general idea, how to do this?#

[Screenshot of widget with transparent gradient at the bottom]

[Screenshot of image with transparent gradient at the bottom]


  • In the end the answer was fairly simple because there is already a widget available for this task. the widget name is ShadowMask.

    Here is the part of the code which enabled me to get the above effect.

    return ShaderMask(
            shaderCallback: (rect) => LinearGradient(
              begin: Alignment.topCenter,
              end: Alignment.bottomCenter,
              colors: [Colors.white, Colors.white.withOpacity(.2), Colors.transparent],
              stops: [.6,.8, .9],
            child: ...

    Depending on which degree you want to achieve this effect you can change the color or stops for it.