I want to paginate a list of books. The api end point is like this /books?page=num&size=num
So the number of page and how many books to load will be variables.
My response should look like:
pagesnum= totalpages
[ {detailsofbook1},
My code:
class BookView(APIView):
http_method_names = ['get']
permission_classes = (permissions.IsAuthenticated,)
def index(request):
books = Books.objects.all()
books_per_page= request.GET.get('size')
book_paginator = Paginator(books, books_per_page)
page_num = request.GET.get('page')
page = book_paginator.get_page(page_num)
context = {
'count': book_paginator.count(),
'page': page
queryset =Books.ojects.all()
return JsonResponse(context, status=200)
This implementation doesn't work. First of all something is wrong probably with the url it doesnt seem to understand the variables. Or is something else wrong with my code?
and size
are query parameters
, so you get them by accessing request.query_params
so it should be like
books_per_page= request.query_params.get('size') # or request.query_params['size]
page_num = request.query_params.get('page')
also, I'm a bit confused with index()
I think your code should be in get(self, request, *args, **kwargs)
and my last thing is that you can make use of pagination in DRF, see