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WPF RichTextBox: Find the first block/paragraph that is currently visible in the RichTextBox


I have a 95% working application (WPF Application / .Net 4.8) that does the following:

  • On the left side a WPF RichTextBox
  • On the right side a WebBrowser Control
  • Left side: User writes MarkDown text in the RichTextBox
  • Right side: User sees HTML text in realtime


  • When the user scrolls the RichTextBox (left side), THE FIRST VISIBLE block/paragraph on the left side should also be the first visible block/paragraph on the right side.


  • The goal can NOT be reached by synchronizing the ScrollViewers. (FontSizes/Styles are too different)
  • The goal can, but SHOULD NOT be reached by using the RichTextBox.CaretPosition (MouseClick => CaretPosition => GetTextUnderCaret => ScrollHTML => not user friendly enough)
  • The System.Windows.Documents.Block class is not a FrameworkElement. That means, I can NOT do this:
string text = null;
foreach (var block in RichTextBox.Document.Blocks)
      //This does not work. Block is not a FrameworkElement...shit...
      var blockIsVisible = IsUserVisible(block, RichTextBox);
      if (blockIsVisible)
          var text = new TextRange(block.ContentStart, block.ContentEnd).Text;

if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
    //Scroll to given text in HTML with JQuery...

private bool IsUserVisible(FrameworkElement element, FrameworkElement container)
    if (!element.IsVisible) return false;
    Rect bounds = element.TransformToAncestor(container).TransformBounds(new Rect(0.0, 0.0, element.ActualWidth, element.ActualHeight));
    Rect rect = new Rect(0.0, 0.0, container.ActualWidth, container.ActualHeight);
    return rect.Contains(bounds.TopLeft) || rect.Contains(bounds.BottomRight);

Finally my question

How can I determine the first visible line/block/paragraph in WPF RichTextBox?


  • This code gets the first visible paragraph (not necessarily the first visible line!)

        TextPointer tp = richTextBox.GetPositionFromPoint(new Point(0, 0), true);
        FirstParagraphLine = ((Run)tp.Paragraph.Inlines.FirstInline).Text;