I am testing a portal with Cypress.io, which has a file upload functionality.
But my file always failed to upload because the API call is going wrong.
Correct API Call:
POST 200 /etl/v1.0.0/datauploaderetl/spaces/etl_jyddc0tx/data-files
But when uploading through Cypress, the following is the URL: **
POST 404 /etl/v1.0.0/datauploaderetl/data-files
** As you can clearly see, the API is incorrect. I added the wait here, still, it doesn't work. Following is the piece of code:
cy.fixture(fileName1).then(fileContent => {
fileContent: fileContent.toString(),
fileName: fileName1,
mimeType: fileType
cy.waitUntil(() => cy.get(":nth-child(98) > .modal > .modal-lg > .modal-content > .modal-body")
.should('contain.text', 'Status: completed')
Please help!
At Command.js, add below code:
Cypress.Commands.add("saveLocalStorage", () => {
Object.keys(localStorage).forEach(key => {
LOCAL_STORAGE_MEMORY[key] = localStorage[key];
Cypress.Commands.add("restoreLocalStorage", () => {
Object.keys(LOCAL_STORAGE_MEMORY).forEach(key => {
localStorage.setItem(key, LOCAL_STORAGE_MEMORY[key]);
Then at the test case file, add below beforeEach and afterEach block respectively:
beforeEach(() => {
afterEach(() => {
This will solve the issue where Cypress clears the "local storage" at the browser.