I'm trying to make lenses for a slightly complex GADT, and finding it doesn't want to generate one for one of my constructors. The code looks like this:
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, RankNTypes, TemplateHaskell, KindSignatures, DataKinds #-}
import Control.Lens
import GHC.TypeNats
data Variant (m :: Nat) where
VariantA :: Variant 42
data Stuff where
Foo :: { _foo :: Int } -> Stuff
Bar :: forall t. { _bar :: String } -> Stuff
Baz :: forall m. { _baz :: Variant m } -> Stuff
$(makeLenses ''Stuff)
I find that this generates lenses foo
and bar
, but not baz
. It seems to be something to do with the constraint on baz
and the kind signature Variant m
. Why can't I get a lens for baz
I saw that some support for existentially quantified record constructors was added at the end of https://github.com/ekmett/lens/issues/409, but wondering if this is a further lens
The problem isn't with makeLenses
. The problem is that you really can't write a Traversal
, or even a Setter
, for _baz
. Let's see what happens when you try to write a Traversal
baz :: Traversal' Stuff (Variant m)
baz f (Baz v) = _
baz _f s = pure s
GHC says:
LensGADT.hs:19:17: error:
• Found hole: _ :: f Stuff
Where: ‘f’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
baz :: forall (m :: Nat). Traversal' Stuff (Variant m)
at LensGADT.hs:18:1-35
• In the expression: _
In an equation for ‘baz’: baz f (Baz v) = _
• Relevant bindings include
v :: Variant m1 (bound at LensGADT.hs:19:12)
f :: Variant m -> f (Variant m) (bound at LensGADT.hs:19:5)
baz :: (Variant m -> f (Variant m)) -> Stuff -> f Stuff
(bound at LensGADT.hs:19:1)
Constraints include Applicative f (from LensGADT.hs:18:1-35)
19 | baz f (Baz v) = _
| ^
You see the problem? We're given a function of type Variant m -> f (Variant m)
for some m
, and we have a value of type Variant m1
, for some (possibly different) m1
. We can't possibly apply the function! Exactly the same problem shows up if you try to write a setter.
The best you could do is this:
baz1 :: Applicative f => (forall m. Variant m -> f (Variant m)) -> Stuff -> f Stuff
baz1 f (Baz v) = Baz <$> f v
baz1 _f s = pure s
or this (same code, slightly different type):
baz2 :: Applicative f => (forall m. Variant m -> f (Variant n)) -> Stuff -> f Stuff
baz2 f (Baz v) = Baz <$> f v
baz2 _f s = pure s
These are very much like traversals, but they're certainly not Traversal
s in the lens
sense. Moreover, neither of them is strictly more general than the other, and a more flexible version that subsumes both will look significantly less like a Traversal
. So it doesn't seem that reasonable for makeLenses
to even try.