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Parse json using Newtonsoft

I'm having problems parsing and accessing to the data I want in the following example of json.

I want to retrive HeroName and HeroAmount for each record of items:

I know that I can serialize and behave as an array but I can't reach to the mentioned data.



  • You can do this:

       Dim strBuf As String = File.ReadAllText("c:\test4\json5.txt")
        Dim jOb As JObject = JObject.Parse(strBuf)
        Dim MyChildren As JToken = jOb.SelectToken("children")
        For Each MyChild As JToken In MyChildren
            Debug.Print("Hero Name = " & MyChild.SelectToken("HeroName"))
            Debug.Print("Hero Amount = " & MyChild.SelectToken("children[0].data.HeroAmount"))

    So, it quite simple to "walk" json.

    So With this inside the loop:

    Debug.Print("Hero Name   = " & MyChild.SelectToken("HeroName").ToString)
    Debug.Print("Hero Amount = " & MyChild.SelectToken("children[0].data.HeroAmount").ToString)


    Hero Name   = Name1322
    Hero Amount = 231979
    Hero Name   = Name1323
    Hero Amount = 231977