Suppose I have a single TextView
like this
As you can see, the text is broken into three lines.
Is there any way that I can get the text areas in Rects
? As this text is broken into three lines, I would need three Rects
It is important to highlight that the left of a Rect
is the left of the first character of the line, and the right is the right of the last character of the line.
Onik has the right idea, but the results will all be relative to zero. You will have to do a little more computation if you want to know where in the canvas the text of your TextView lies.
Here is a custom TextView that will outline the text on the screen.
class CustomTextView @JvmOverloads constructor(
context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = android.R.attr.textViewStyle
) : AppCompatTextView(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) {
private val mPaint = Paint().apply {
strokeWidth = 2f
style = Paint.Style.STROKE
color = Color.RED
private val mLineOutline = Rect()
override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) {
// This is the view's padding which we want to ignore.
canvas.translate(totalPaddingLeft.toFloat(), totalPaddingTop.toFloat())
for (line in 0 until lineCount) {
// This gets the outline of the text on a line but it is all relative to zero.
text.toString(), layout.getLineStart(line), layout.getLineEnd(line), mLineOutline
// We have the outline relative to zero, shift it so it outlines the text.
canvas.translate(layout.getLineLeft(line), layout.getLineBaseline(line).toFloat())
canvas.drawRect(mLineOutline, mPaint)
This is what is displayed:
You might not need this TextView, but you can grab its computations.
I find this posting very helpful when thinking about Android typography.