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Terraform - Get the Primary Static Website Endpoint of a Storage account

I want to deploy an Azure Front Door with a backend linked to the Static Website of a Storage Account. If I use Azure Portal there's no problem, but I can't get how to retrieve the Primary Static Website's Endpoint ?

Moreover, the Primary Endpoint goes out like but for the backend host name we want

How to automate the creation of the Front Door backend related to the Storage Account's Static Website Primary Endpoint ?


I want to automate the following host_header and address from the Azure Front Door Terraform config...

backend {
     host_header = ""
     address     = ""
     http_port   = 80
     https_port  = 443
     priority    = 1
     weight      = 50

... related to the static website created as such with the Storage Account :

resource "azurerm_storage_account" "saprodgamingfiles" {
    name                = var.sa_name1
    resource_group_name =

    # etc...

    # THIS : Pre-requisite for Azure Front Door
    static_website {}

I'm new to Terraform & Azure, but I searched a lot and I couldn't find a satisfying solution to my problem. I'm surprised it's not raised as much, maybe I'm just missing something ?



  • You could use primary_web_host in the backend,

    enter image description here

    Output the value of

    output "primary_web_host" {
        value = data.azurerm_storage_account.example.primary_web_host

    You will see

    enter image description here

    So the backend will like this:

    backend {
         host_header = azurerm_storage_account.saprodgamingfiles.primary_web_host
         address     = azurerm_storage_account.saprodgamingfiles.primary_web_host
         http_port   = 80
         https_port  = 443
         priority    = 1
         weight      = 50