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Looping issue in function

I have a small TCP server running where a user can connect via telnet. There is a "menu" option loop (e.g. triggered single char input), and selecting the "L" option allows the connected user to "leave a message."


  1. When making a selection (L) from the connect menu -- it duplicates/repeats the menu
  2. Then, an additional/unnecessary key-press is required to see the type echo'd back to the user

I suspect I've got looping problems, but I'm at a loss to where it's breaking down.

Any ideas?

package main

import (

const (
    port = "5555"

var arr []string

type Client struct {
    c        net.Conn
    dataType string
    menuCurr string

func NewClient() *Client {
    return &(Client{})


func waitForInput(didInput chan<- bool) {
    // Wait for a valid input here

    didInput <- true

func main() {

    log.Printf("Hello Server!")
    service := ":5555"
    tcpAddr, error := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", service)
    if error != nil {
        log.Printf("Error: Could not resolve address")
    } else {
        netListen, error := net.Listen(tcpAddr.Network(), tcpAddr.String())
        if error != nil {
        } else {
            defer netListen.Close()
            for {
                log.Printf("Waiting for clients")
                conn, error := netListen.Accept()
                if error != nil {
                    log.Print("Client error: ", error)
                } else {
                    log.Printf("Client connected %s -> %s \n", conn.RemoteAddr(), conn.LocalAddr())
                    go handler(conn)

func removeClient(conn net.Conn) {

    log.Printf("Client %s disconnected", conn.RemoteAddr())

func handler(conn net.Conn) {

    defer removeClient(conn)
    errorChan := make(chan error)
    dataChan := make(chan []byte)

    // Set defaults for incoming connections
    var s *Client
    s = NewClient()
    s.c = conn
    s.dataType = "key"
    s.menuCurr = "connect" // first menu every user sees

    go readWrapper(conn, dataChan, errorChan)
    r := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 1024))

    // default menu
    fmt.Fprintf(conn, "Select an option:\r\n\n[L] Leave Message\r\n[!] Disconnect\r\n\nCmd? ")

    for {
        select {
        case data := <-dataChan:

            if s.menuCurr == "connect" {
                fmt.Fprintf(conn, "Select an option:\r\n\n[L] Leave Message\r\n[!] Disconnect\r\n\nCmd? ")
            if s.menuCurr == "message" {
                fmt.Fprintf(conn, "Type a mesage. Escape to quit. \r\n\n")
            // "key" responds to single character input
            if s.dataType == "key" {
                switch string(data) {
                    fmt.Println("client hit invalid key...")
                case "L", "l":
                    s.dataType = "text"
                    s.menuCurr = "message"
                case "!":
                    fmt.Fprintf(conn, " Bye!")
                    fmt.Println("client chose to exit...")

            // "Text" allows for free typing
            if s.dataType == "text" {
                for {
                    select {
                    case data := <-dataChan:
                        fmt.Fprintf(conn, string(data))
                        if bytes.Equal(data, []byte("\r\n")) || bytes.Equal(data, []byte("\r")) {
                            fmt.Fprintf(conn, "you typed: %q\r\n", r.String())
                            s.dataType = "key"
                            s.menuCurr = "connect"
                        if bytes.Equal(data, []byte("\033")) {
                            fmt.Fprintf(conn, "\r\nAborted!\r\n")
                            s.dataType = "key"
                            s.menuCurr = "connect"
                    log.Printf("Client %s sent: %q", conn.RemoteAddr(), string(data))

                    if s.menuCurr == "connect" {

        case err := <-errorChan:
            log.Println("An error occured:", err.Error())


func readWrapper(conn net.Conn, dataChan chan []byte, errorChan chan error) {
    for {

        buf := make([]byte, 1024)
        reqLen, err := conn.Read(buf)
        if err != nil {
            errorChan <- err
        dataChan <- buf[:reqLen]




  • So you almost got it!

    1. The reason for the need of a extra keypress is due to your select case not processing until it receives another character. Basically you were lagging one character behind. You also need to be aware of this when you are collecting the message from the user.

    Here is is what i was able to get working. My telnet client doesn't send until I hit return (i am on windows why \r\n instead of just \n) so i needed to strip those extra characters.

    package main
    import (
    const (
        port = "5555"
    var arr []string
    type Client struct {
        c        net.Conn
        dataType string
        menuCurr string
    func NewClient() *Client {
        return &(Client{})
    func waitForInput(didInput chan<- bool) {
        // Wait for a valid input here
        didInput <- true
    func main() {
        log.Printf("Hello Server!")
        service := ":5555"
        tcpAddr, error := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", service)
        if error != nil {
            log.Printf("Error: Could not resolve address")
        } else {
            netListen, error := net.Listen(tcpAddr.Network(), tcpAddr.String())
            if error != nil {
            } else {
                defer netListen.Close()
                for {
                    log.Printf("Waiting for clients")
                    conn, error := netListen.Accept()
                    if error != nil {
                        log.Print("Client error: ", error)
                    } else {
                        log.Printf("Client connected %s -> %s \n", conn.RemoteAddr(), conn.LocalAddr())
                        go handler(conn)
    func removeClient(conn net.Conn) {
        log.Printf("Client %s disconnected", conn.RemoteAddr())
    func handler(conn net.Conn) {
        defer removeClient(conn)
        errorChan := make(chan error)
        dataChan := make(chan []byte)
        // Set defaults for incoming connections
        var s *Client
        s = NewClient()
        s.c = conn
        s.dataType = "key"
        s.menuCurr = "connect" // first menu every user sees
        go readWrapper(conn, dataChan, errorChan)
        r := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 1024))
        // default menu
        fmt.Fprintf(conn, "Select an option:\r\n\n[L] Leave Message\r\n[!] Disconnect\r\n\nCmd? ")
        for {
            select {
            case data := <-dataChan:
                // notice how i removed the current menu state
                // "key" responds to single character input
                if s.dataType == "key" {
                    t := strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimSuffix(string(data), "\r\n"), "\n")
                    switch t {
                        fmt.Println("client hit invalid key...")
                        // remove the continue since the menu prints at the bottom
                        // continue
                    case "L", "l":
                        s.dataType = "text"
                        s.menuCurr = "message"
                        // notice the message here and the break instead of the continue.
                        // if we use continue instead it will wait until your user sends something
                        // with a break instead it will fall through and start collecting the text
                        fmt.Fprintf(conn, "Type a mesage. Escape to quit. \r\n\n")
                    case "!":
                        fmt.Fprintf(conn, " Bye!")
                        fmt.Println("client chose to exit...")
                        // tell current menu to exit
                        s.menuCurr = "exit"
                // "Text" allows for free typing
                if s.dataType == "text" {
                    for {
                        select {
                        case data := <-dataChan:
                            fmt.Fprintf(conn, string(data))
                            if bytes.Equal(data, []byte("\r\n")) || bytes.Equal(data, []byte("\r")) {
                                fmt.Fprintf(conn, "you typed: %q\r\n", r.String())
                                s.dataType = "key"
                                s.menuCurr = "connect"
                            if bytes.Equal(data, []byte("\033")) || bytes.Equal(data, []byte("\033\r\n")) {
                                fmt.Fprintf(conn, "\r\nAborted!\r\n")
                                s.dataType = "key"
                                s.menuCurr = "connect"
                        log.Printf("Client %s sent: %q", conn.RemoteAddr(), r.String())
                        if s.menuCurr == "connect" {
                if s.menuCurr == "connect" {
                    fmt.Fprintf(conn, "Select an option:\r\n\n[L] Leave Message\r\n[!] Disconnect\r\n\nCmd? ")
                // fall through statement to close connection
                if s.menuCurr == "exit" {
                // otherwise continue printing menu for invalid submissions
            case err := <-errorChan:
                log.Println("An error occured:", err.Error())
    func readWrapper(conn net.Conn, dataChan chan []byte, errorChan chan error) {
        for {
            buf := make([]byte, 1024)
            reqLen, err := conn.Read(buf)
            if err != nil {
                errorChan <- err
            dataChan <- buf[:reqLen]