I am using a pgadmin client. I have multiple csv files.
I would like to import each csv file as a table.
When I tried the below
a) Click create table
b) Enter the name of table and save it.
c) I see the table name
d) Click on "Import csv"
e) selected columns as "header"
f) Clicked "Import"
But I got an error message as below
ERROR: extra data after last expected column
CONTEXT: COPY Test_table, line 2: "32,F,52,Single,WHITE,23/7/2180 12:35,25/7/2180..."
I also tried the python psycopg2 version as shown below
import psycopg2
conn = psycopg2.connect("host='xxx.xx.xx.x' port='5432' dbname='postgres' user='abc' password='xxx'")
cur = conn.cursor()
f = open(r'test.csv', 'r')
cur.copy_from(f,public.test, sep=',') #while I see 'test' table under my schema, how can I give here the schema name etc. I don't know wht it says table not defined
UndefinedTable: relation "public.test" does not exist
May I check whether it is possible to import some random csv as table using pgadmin import?
Pandas will do this easily. Create a table with a structure as some csv.
The csv is first read by read_csv to a Dataframe
Regards Niels
As I understand the requirement, a new table is wanted for every csv. The code below illustrates that. It can be customized and datatypes can be elaborated, see the documentation for Pandas.DataFrame.to_sql. I think, actually, that the heavy lifting is done by SQLAlchemy
import io
import os
import pandas as pd
import psycopg2
buf_t1 = io.StringIO()
df_t1 = pd.read_csv(buf_t1)
df_t1.to_sql(name="t1", con="postgresql+psycopg2://host/db", index=False, if_exists='replace')
buf_t2 = io.StringIO()
buf_t2.write("1,2,3,'Hello World'\n")
df_t2 = pd.read_csv(buf_t2)
df_t2.to_sql(name="t2", con="postgresql+psycopg2://host/db", index=False, if_exists='replace')
This will result in two new tables, t1 and t2. Defined as like this:
create table t1
a bigint,
b bigint,
c bigint,
d bigint
create table t2
x bigint,
y bigint,
z bigint,
t text