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Translations Service

I'm looking for a solution/idea to dynamically change the translation value of each key in Sparatcus translations files outside the code. I don't want only to create a file and override the I18nModule config, I'm looking for some kind of service/API like Lokalize API to be able to change the translation values outside the code.

Thanks in advance!


  • The internationalisation features are prepared for this. Although we do not have a service at hand for the localised labels, Spartacus is prepared for this. You can read more about this at You can configure loadPath to an API endpoint, including the variable language (lng) and namespace (ns).

    imports: [
        i18n: {
            backend: {
                loadPath: 'assets/i18n-assets/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json'
                // crossOrigin: true (use this option when i18n assets come from a different domain)
            chunks: translationChunksConfig