I'm using typeorm to get data form DB and I want to list all my issues with the last status for each issue.
My database has 2 tables: Issues and IssueStatus Into IssueStatus I'll save every status changing and comments about how to solve the Issue.
My code:
var issues = await issuesRepository
.select(['issue', 'history.status'])
.innerJoin('issue.history', 'history')
'history.date < history2.date OR (history.date = history2.date AND history.id < history2.id)'
.where('history2.id IS NULL')
I'm getting this result:
"id": "5ff86c81-a202-4211-84f4-afe2d5c0fc0d",
"cod": 1,
"opendate": "2020-12-08T13:18:55.683Z",
"closedate": null,
"type": "systems",
"subtype": "avance",
"description": "first test",
"mailto": "[email protected]",
"hostname": "dskcwbti02",
"username": "glenn.veloso",
"solution": null,
"supportby": null,
"history": [
"status": 0
But I want this:
"id": "5ff86c81-a202-4211-84f4-afe2d5c0fc0d",
"cod": 1,
"opendate": "2020-12-08T13:18:55.683Z",
"closedate": null,
"type": "systems",
"subtype": "avance",
"description": "first test",
"mailto": "[email protected]",
"hostname": "dskcwbti02",
"username": "glenn.veloso",
"solution": null,
"supportby": null,
"status": 0
You could make smth like below, but you will need to overwrite all required fields with aliases in select
var issues = await issuesRepository
.select(['issue', 'history.status AS status']) // <- changes here
.innerJoin('issue.history', 'history')
'history.date < history2.date OR (history.date = history2.date AND history.id < history2.id)'
.where('history2.id IS NULL')
.getRawMany(); // <- changes here
And what I mean by
you will need to overwrite all required fields with aliases in
'issue.id AS id',
'issue.cod AS cod',
'issue.opendate AS opendate',
'issue.solution AS solution',
'issue.supportby AS supportby',
'history.status AS status'