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Finding number of character occurrences in string (mips 32)

I'm writing a code that takes a string and a character from user as input, Then finds number of occurrences of the character in the string. Here is my attempt:

string:      .space 100                    # allc space for string 
la $a0, string                             # input string
li $a1, 100                                # maximum size of string
li $v0, 8                                  # represents reading string
syscall                                    # call system
la $s0, 0($a0)                             # $s0 contains address of first element of the string
li $v0, 12                                 # 12 represents reading character
syscall                                    # call system  
move $s2, $v0                              # $s2= character
li $s1, 100                                # $s1= maximum size of string
li  $t4, 0                                 # count (number of occurrances)
li  $t0, 0                                 # i(index)
bge $t0, $s1, print                        # i>= string length, exit                            
add $t1, $s0, $t0                          # &A[i]
lb  $t2, 0($t1)                            # A[i]
bne $t2, $s2, skip                         # skip increasing the counter if item does not equal               
add $t4, $t4, 1                            # otherwise increment the counter    
add $t0, $t0, 1                            # increment index
j  loop                                    # go back to loop
print:                                     # print the result
addi $v0, $t4, 0                           # $v0= $v4= number of occurrences
li $v0,1                                   # 1 represents printing integer                   
syscall                                    # call system    
# Terminate the program
li $v0, 10                                 # 10 represents exit
syscall                                    # call system

But my code is not working properly. It prints a very large number instead of number of occurrences. I even checked it for string with the same size as the space allocated. But it still gives wrong result. Is this problem related to length of string or something else? Please help me debug it.


  • Try this code :

        string:      .space 100                    # allc space for string 
        la $a0, string                             # input string
        li $a1, 100                                # maximum size of string
        li $v0, 8                                  # represents reading string
        syscall                                    # call system
        li $v0, 12                                 # 12 represents reading character
        syscall                                    # call system  
        move $s2, $v0                              # $s2= character
        li $s1, 100                                # $s1= maximum size of string
        li  $t4, 0                                 # count (number of occurrances)
        li  $t0, 0                                 # i(index)
        bge $t0, $s1, print                        # i>= string length, exit    
        lb  $s0,($a0)                              # the first character of string into $s0 
        bne $s0, $s2, skip                         # skip increasing the counter if item does not equal               
        add $t4, $t4, 1                            # otherwise increment the counter    
        addiu $a0, $a0, 1                            # increment index
        beq $s0,0,print                             # go to print label if $s0=0 so $s0 ='\0' 
        j  loop                                    # go back to loop
        print:                                     # print the result
        #addi $v0, $t4, 0                           # $v0= $v4= number of occurrences
        li $v0,1                                   # 1 represents printing integer                   
        move $a0,$t4                               # $a0=$t4 = number of occurances of character
        syscall                                    # call system    
        # Terminate the program
        li $v0, 10                                 # 10 represents exit
        syscall                                    # call system