I am using Weatherbit API to make a web-aap. I am consuming API response in App.js file then saving it to a state, and then passing that state to another component. But that component is getting initial value(empty object) of that state not the API response. LOOK at the code below.
function App() {
const [details, setDetails] = useState({ "value": "First" })
const [url, setUrl] = useState("")
const fetchWeather = async () => {
const { data } = await Axios.get(`https://api.weatherbit.io/v2.0/current?city=Modasa&key=24d74085081e4ec7b4971bec0a1f2ef3`)
// const details = data.data[0]
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
return (
<div className="App">
<SectionOne data={details} />
export default App;
** And the second component where i am getting initial value (empty object)**
const SectionOne = ({ data }) => {
return (
<div className="sectionOne">
<span className="region">{`${data.data[0].city_name}`}</span>
<span className="country">{data.data[0].country_code}</span>
<div className="sectionTwo">
<span className="icon"><img source={data.data[0].weather?.icon} /></span>
<span className="temp">{data.data[0].temp}</span>
<span className="unit">°C</span>
<span className="feels">Feels Like {data.data[0].app_temp} °C | {data.data[0].weather?.description}</span>
<div className="sectionThree">
<div><span>Wind</span>{data.data[0].wind_spd} KM</div>
<div><span>Wind Dir.</span>{data.data[0].wind_cdir}</div>
<div><span>Humidity</span>{data.data[0].current?.humidity} %</div>
<div><span>Pressure</span>{data.data[0].pres} MB</div>
<div><span>UV Index</span>{data.data[0].uv}</div>
<div><span>Visibility</span>{data.data[0].vis} KM</div>
export default SectionOne
you set initial state as { "value": "First" } but SectionOne component expect data in other format, try to access property data.data[0].city_name which does not exists. hence you get error.
You should set initial state null
const [details, setDetails] = useState(null)
and have null check in render. This is best practice.
return (
<div className="App">
{ details && <SectionOne data={details} /> }