Here is my issue, I'm working on UNIX, I have a xml file contained into a string foo:
echo $foo
<a> <b> <c> bar </c> </b> </a>
I want to get the value bar. I can use xmllint but I don't have --xpath option. Not that foo is an UNIX variable and not a file.
The unique solution I found is to run:
echo $foo | xmllint --shell <(cat) <<<'xpath a/b/c/text()'
But it produces a very verbose output:
/ > Object is a Node Set :
Set contains 1 nodes:
content= bar
/ >
I just want to get “bar”. Thanks for your help !
You could try to replace xpath
with cat
as xmlshell-command to invoke.
This should output something like:
/ > -------
The first line is from the prompt of the xmlshell. To get only the last line, use your favorite tool to extract just line 2, like:
foo="<a> <b> <c>_ bar _</c> </b> </a>"
echo "cat //c/text()" | xmllint --shell <(echo $foo) | awk 'NR==2'