I am making a Morse code decoder in C using a binary tree, I have managed to insert all the characters in an alphabetic order but I want them to be in the order I used in char *characters[]
so it would be:
/ \
/ \ / \
how could I insert the characters for the tree to be like this?
typedef struct BTree {
char value[100];
struct BTree *dot, *dash;
} BTree, *tree_ptr;
BTree *insert(BTree *root, char morse[200]) {
int j;
char *code[100];
if (root == NULL) {
BTree *new_node = (BTree*) malloc(sizeof(BTree));
new_node->dot = NULL;
new_node->dash = NULL;
strcpy(new_node ->value, morse);
root = new_node;
else if (strcmp(morse, root->value) < 0) {
root ->dot = insert(root->dot, morse);
} else if (strcmp(morse, root->value) > 0){
root ->dash = insert(root->dash, morse);
} else {
return root;
void inorder ( tree_ptr root )
if ( root == NULL ){
return ;
} else {
inorder ( root ->dot );
printf ("%s ", root ->value ) ;
inorder ( root ->dash ) ;
void preorder ( tree_ptr root )
if ( root == NULL )
return ;
printf ("%s ", root ->value ) ;
preorder ( root ->dot );
preorder ( root ->dash ) ;
void postorder ( tree_ptr root )
if ( root == NULL )
return ;
postorder ( root ->dot ) ;
postorder ( root ->dash ) ;
printf ("%s ", root ->value ) ;
int main(void) {
int i;
BTree *root = NULL;
char *characters[] = {"E", "T", "I", "A", "N", "M", "S", "U", "R", "W", "D", "K", "G", "O", "H", "V", "F", "L", "P", "J", "B", "X", "C", "Y", "Z", "Q" ,"\0"};
char *morsecode[] = {".", "-", "..", ".-", "-.", "--","...","..-",".-.",".--", "-..","-.-","--.","---
","....","...-","..-.", ".-..",".--.",".---","-...", "-..-","-.-.","-.--","-
-..","--.-", "\0"};
for (i = 0; strcmp( characters[i], "\0") != 0; i++){
root = insert(root, characters[i]);
return 0;
in the end I'd traverse the tree using a dot to move left and a dash to move right, if im not doing it correctly please
Your current code actually uses a lexicographic code on the characters, so you normally obtain a sorted alphabet. If you want to build a binary tree consistant with the morse code of each letter, you must pass the morse code to the insert function and use it.
Here is a possible function:
// Insert letter *c (as a C string) having morse code morse into root
BTree *insert(BTree *root, const char *c, const char *morse) {
if (root == NULL) { // Node does not exist
BTree *new_node = (BTree*) malloc(sizeof(BTree));
new_node->dot = NULL;
new_node->dash = NULL;
new_node->value[0] = '\0'; // initialize as an empty letter
root = new_node;
if (*morse == '\0') { // reached the end of the morse code
strncpy(root->value, c, sizeof (root->value)); // current root receives the letter
else if (*morse == '.') { // process for a dot
root ->dot = insert(root->dot, c, morse + 1); // step in the morse code
} else if (*morse == '-') {
root ->dash = insert(root->dash, c, morse + 1);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Wrong character in morse: %c\n", *morse);
return root;
Of course, you must call it accordingly:
for (i = 0; strcmp( characters[i], "\0") != 0; i++){
root = insert(root, characters[i], morsecode[i]);