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How to prove the functionality of a C stringCompare function with Frama-C?

I would like to express, with Frama-c and the WP plug-in, that the stringCompare function written below acts as "it is supposed to" - namely: That given identical input strings, the function returns 0 and a result different from 0 if the strings are not identical. I have annotated the related functions as seen below and would like to be able to prove the unproven goals generated by WP, how can that be done?

The output I get from trying to run the plug-in with the annotations as is, can be seen below the code

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

    requires validPointers: \valid_read(s1) && \valid_read(s2) ;
    requires validLengthS1: 100 >= strlen(s1) >= 0;
    requires validLengthS2: 100 >= strlen(s2) >= 0;
    assigns \nothing ;
    allocates \nothing ;  
    frees \nothing ;
    behavior allEqual:
        assumes \forall integer k; 0 <= k < n ==> s1[k] == s2[k];
        ensures \result == 0;
    behavior SomeDifferent:
        assumes \exists integer k; 0 <= k < n ==> s1[k] != s2[k];
        ensures \result != 0;
    disjoint behaviors;
    complete behaviors;
int stringCompare(const char* s1, const char* s2, int n) {
    if (s1 == s2) 
        return 0;
    int i = 0;

    /*@ assert \valid_read(s1) ; */
    /*@ assert \valid_read(s2) ;*/
    /*@ loop invariant 0 <= i; 
        loop assigns i , s1, s2; */    
    while (*s1 == *(s2++))
        /*@ assert i <= 2147483647 ; */
        if (*(s1++) == '\0')
            return 0;
    return *(unsigned char*)s1 - *(unsigned char*)(--s2);

/*@ assigns \nothing ;
    ensures rightResult: \result == strlen(\old(str));
    ensures rightEndCharacter: str[\result] == '\0' ;  */
int stringLength(const char* str) {
    int result = 0;

    /*@ loop assigns result ;
        loop invariant 0 <= result ; */
    while (str[result++] != '\0');

    return --result;


/*@ assigns \nothing ;
    ensures \result == 0 ;*/
int main(void) {

   const char* hello = "hello";
   const char* helli = "helli";

   /*@ assert \valid_read(hello) && \valid_read(helli) ; */
   stringCompare(hello, helli, 5);
   return 0;

WP is being run with the command: 'frama-c -wp -wp-model "Typed+var+int+real" -wp-timeout 20 strcmp.c'

The output generated from the WP-plugin:

[wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
[wp] strcmp.c:48: Warning:
  Cast with incompatible pointers types (source: sint8*) (target: uint8*)
[wp] strcmp.c:48: Warning:
  Cast with incompatible pointers types (source: sint8*) (target: uint8*)
[wp] 49 goals scheduled
[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.2.0] Goal typed_real_main_call_stringCompare_requires_validLengthS1 : Timeout (Qed:2ms) (20s)
[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.2.0] Goal typed_real_main_call_stringCompare_requires_validLengthS2 : Timeout (Qed:2ms) (20s)
[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.2.0] Goal typed_real_main_call_stringCompare_2_requires_validLengthS1 : Timeout (Qed:4ms) (20s)
[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.2.0] Goal typed_real_main_call_stringCompare_2_requires_validLengthS2 : Timeout (Qed:3ms) (20s)
[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.2.0] Goal typed_real_main_call_stringCompare_3_requires_validLengthS1 : Timeout (Qed:8ms) (20s)
[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.2.0] Goal typed_real_main_call_stringCompare_3_requires_validLengthS2 : Timeout (Qed:8ms) (20s)
[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.2.0] Goal typed_real_main_call_stringCompare_4_requires_validLengthS1 : Timeout (Qed:11ms) (20s)
[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.2.0] Goal typed_real_main_call_stringCompare_4_requires_validLengthS2 : Timeout (Qed:12ms) (20s)
[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.2.0] Goal typed_real_stringCompare_disjoint_SomeDifferent_allEqual : Timeout (Qed:3ms) (20s)
[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.2.0] Goal typed_real_stringCompare_allEqual_ensures : Timeout (Qed:15ms) (20s) (Stronger, 2 warnings)
[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.2.0] Goal typed_real_stringCompare_SomeDifferent_ensures : Timeout (Qed:14ms) (20s) (Stronger, 2 warnings)
[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.2.0] Goal typed_real_stringLength_ensures_rightResult : Timeout (Qed:5ms) (20s)
[wp] Proved goals:   37 / 49
  Qed:              30  (1ms-3ms-11ms)
  Alt-Ergo 2.2.0:    7  (8ms-43ms-126ms) (464) (interrupted: 12)


  • There are a quite a few points here. First, I'd say that playing with memory models might not be the first thing to try when confronted with a verification issue (especially, since you're not using floating point arithmetic, the +real component is completely useless). I'd thus propose to remove -wp-model from the equation altogether, the default choice is usually good enough. On the other hand, adding -wp-rte to also check for potential runtime errors might be interesting.

    When you specify \valid_read(s1), you're saying that you can access s1[0], but nothing else. If you want to speak about the validity of several memory cells, you can use \valid_read(s1 + (0 .. n)), or, in the case of null-terminated C strings, \valid_string(s1).

    Your assumes clauses in both behaviors of stringCompare are incorrect: we're only searching for a difference until strlen(s1) (included), not until n (which by the way is pretty useless and could probably be removed: you want to specify that strlen(s{1,2}) are bounded, but SIZE_MAX in stdint.h should do the trick). Moreover, the reverse of \forall i, P(i) ==> Q(i) is \exists i, P(i) && !Q(i) (i.e. do not use ==> after \exists).

    It would be better to use size_t for C variables that are meant to be used as offsets. Otherwise weird things might happen for very large strings.

    You lack some invariants. Basically, in stringCompare, you must capture the fact that:

    • i stays between 0 and strlen(s1) (resp. strlen(s2))
    • the current value of s1 is in fact \at(s1,Pre)+i (ditto for s2)
    • so far, all elements of s1 and s2 are equal...
    • ...and non-null

    Since the default architecture targeted by Frama-C uses char as signed, the conversion to unsigned char in the return statement will confuse WP. This is admittedly a weakness of WP itself.

    For stringLength, it is also necessary to require something like valid_string(str). However, this time you must constrain strlen(str) to be strictly less than SIZE_MAX (assuming you change your return type and the declaration of result to be size_t), since result must go up to strlen(str)+1 without overflowing.

    Again, the loop invariants must be strengthened: result is bounded by strlen(str), and we must indicate that so far all characters are non-0.

    Finally, in your main function, another weakness of WP prevents to check that the pre-conditions of stringCompare are fulfilled. If hello and helli are defined explicitely as char arrays, then everything will be fine.

    tl;dr: the code below can be entirely proved with frama-c -wp -wp-rte file.c (Frama-C 22.0 Titanium and Alt-Ergo 2.2.0)

    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
        requires validPointers: valid_read_string(s1) && valid_read_string(s2);
        requires validLengthS1: n >= strlen(s1) >= 0;
        requires validLengthS2: n >= strlen(s2) >= 0;
        assigns \nothing ;
        allocates \nothing ;  
        frees \nothing ;
        behavior allEqual:
            assumes \forall integer k; 0 <= k <= strlen(s1) ==> s1[k] == s2[k];
            ensures \result == 0;
        behavior SomeDifferent:
            assumes \exists integer k; 0 <= k <= strlen(s1) && s1[k] != s2[k];
            ensures \result != 0;
        disjoint behaviors;
        complete behaviors;
    int stringCompare(const char* s1, const char* s2, size_t n) {
        if (s1 == s2) 
            return 0;
        size_t i = 0;
        /*@ assert \valid_read(s1) ; */
        /*@ assert \valid_read(s2) ;*/
        /*@ loop invariant index: 0 <= i <= strlen(\at(s1,Pre));
            loop invariant index_1: 0<= i <= strlen(\at(s2,Pre));
            loop invariant s1_pos: s1 == \at(s1,Pre)+i;
            loop invariant s2_pos: s2 == \at(s2,Pre)+i;
            loop invariant equal: \forall integer j; 0<= j < i ==> \at(s1,Pre)[j] == \at(s2,Pre)[j];
            loop invariant not_eos: \forall integer j; 0<= j < i ==> \at(s1,Pre)[j] != 0;
            loop assigns i , s1, s2; */    
        while (*s1 == *(s2++))
            /*@ assert i <= n ; */
            if (*(s1++) == '\0')
                return 0;
        return *(s1) - *(--s2);
      requires valid_string(str);
      requires strlen(str) < SIZE_MAX;
      assigns \nothing ;
      ensures rightResult: \result == strlen(\old(str));
      ensures rightEndCharacter: str[\result] == '\0' ;  */
    size_t stringLength(const char* str) {
        size_t result = 0;
        /*@ loop assigns result ;
            loop invariant 0 <= result <= strlen(str);
            loop invariant \forall integer i; 0<= i < result ==> str[i]!=0;
        while (str[result++] != '\0');
        return --result;
    /*@ assigns \nothing ;
        ensures \result == 0 ;*/
    int main(void) {
       const char hello[] = { 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '\0'};
       const char helli[] =  { 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'i', '\0'};
       /*@ assert \valid_read(&hello[0]) && \valid_read(&helli[0]) ; */
       stringCompare(hello, helli, 5);
       return 0;