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Is it possible to declare a variable in the conditional of an if expression in Rust?

In Go, we can declare a variable inside the conditional of an if expression. This variable will be valid inside the if scope, and not outside of it. For example:

func main() {
    if n := 4; n != 0 {
        fmt.Printf("%d is not zero", n)
    } else {
        fmt.Printf("%d is zero", n)

    fmt.Printf("%d", n) // error, n doesn't exist here!

Is there a similar syntax in Rust?


  • Rust does have if let expressions:

    if let n = 4 {}
    println!("{}", n); // error: cannot find value `n` in this scope

    These are primarily used for pattern matching:

    let optional_num = Some(1);
    if let Some(num) = optional_num {
        println!("optional_num contained", num);
    } else {
        println!("optional_num was None");

    There is an RFC for if let chains that would allow for something like this:

    if let n = 4 && n != 0 {
        println!("{} is not zero", n);
    println!("{}", n); // error, n doesn't exist here!

    However, the variables declared in if let chains are scoped only to the if statement, not the else, so your example would not be possible:

    if let n = 4 && n != 0 {
        println!("{} is not zero", n);
    } else {
        println!("{}", n); // error, n doesn't exist here! 