I want to convert fetched data as below, but I got error and emulator shutdown! What can I do?
Map<String, dynamic> responseClassMap = {
'$ResponseCompany': ResponseCompany,//ResponseCompany is class
'$ResponseCompanyDetail': ResponseCompanyDetail, //ResponseCompanyDetail is class
for (var item in responseClassMap.entries) {
if (className == item.key) {
result = responseData.map((data) => item.value.fromJson(data)).toList();
Here is class ResponseCompany.dart
class ResponseCompany {
final num sales, ...;
factory ResponseCompany.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$ResponseCompanyFromJson(json);
Here is ResponseCompany.g.dart
ResponseCompany _$ResponseCompanyFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return ResponseCompany(
IMHO item.value.fromJson
will not work. Since fromJson is a factory constructor, and in dart's rule, one cannot call factory constructor for a type stored in a variable. (Indeed, the problem is hidden because you create a Map<string, dynamic>
and dart allow everything to be called on dynamic
at compile time.)
For your specific case, you can do
Map<String, dynamic> map = {
'$ResponseCompany': (d)=>ResponseCompany.fromJson(d),//ResponseCompany is class
'$ResponseCompanyDetail': (d)=>ResponseCompanyDetail.fromJson(d), //ResponseCompanyDetail is class
for (var item in map.entries) {
if (className == item.key) {
result = responseData.map((data) => item.value(data)).toList();