After I read the Using the Compiler API article, I could get the AST from string-code.
But when I try to generate the code (by escodegen) from AST (not transpile it) to code I got an error:
Unknown node type: undefined
Is there a way to generate the ast to the code?
import * as fs from "fs";
import escodegen from "escodegen";
import * as ts from "typescript";
const code = `
function foo() { }
const node = ts.createSourceFile("x.ts", code, ts.ScriptTarget.Latest);
console.log({ node });
const x = escodegen.generate(node);
console.log({ x });
You can do it by createPrinter
and pass node
to printNode
Here working example:
const code = `
function foo() { }
const node = ts.createSourceFile("x.ts", code, ts.ScriptTarget.Latest);
const printer = ts.createPrinter({ newLine: ts.NewLineKind.LineFeed });
const result = printer.printNode(ts.EmitHint.Unspecified, node, node);
console.log(result); // function foo() { }