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gnuplot, postscript: no coloring via linestyle

In the below code, the appearance of the curve plotted takes into account linetype and linewidth but it completely ignores linecolor.

set style line 1 linetype 1 linewidth 10 linecolor rgb "blue" 
plot \
myfile using 1:2 with lines linestyle 1

I have tried to change the order of these items, as well as different ways of specifying color, eg. "#0000FF" instead of "blue".

How can I change this to have the curve take on the color specified via linestyle 1?

This is gnuplot 5.4 on Mac OS / Big Sur, tried with "Terminal" and "iterm2".


I'm using set term postscript eps. When i change this to set term pngcairo everything is ok.

So my updated question is: How to make this work also with set term postscript eps?


  • Apparently, the default setting for the postscript terminal is monochrome and you have to explicitely set color. I remember having seen similar questions in the past. I don't know why default is monochrome, maybe historical reasons? So, it seems to be a recurring "pitfall", since users nowadays think everything is in color per default ;-).

    set term postscript eps color

    That's what I get (on a "fresh" console) if I type set term postscript eps. Apparently, text is in color per default (i.e. labels and arrows), but the rest seems to be monochrome.

    Options are 'eps enhanced defaultplex \
       leveldefault monochrome colortext \
       dashlength 1.0 linewidth 1.0 pointscale 1.0 butt noclip \
       nobackground \
       palfuncparam 2000,0.003 \
       "Helvetica" 14  fontscale 1.0 '