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Count certain letters in each document in a Quanteda corpus

Specifically, I need to count the frequencies of each vowel in each document: e and i as "high" vowels; a, o, and u as "low" vowels.

Is there a way the count the frequencies of certain letters in each document in a quanteda corpus in R? So far, I have only encountered functions that operate on word or sentence level, like token_select() or ntoken().

Any help is welcome. I considered a regex pattern, but I'm not sure how to apply it to each individual document in a Quanteda corpus and get a count from it.

Here is a minimum working example to play around with:


text1 <- "This is some gibberish for you."
text2 <- "Some more gibberish. Enjoy!"
text3 <- "Gibber, gibber, gibber away."

corp <- rbind(text1, text2, text3) %>% 


  • You want to tokenize the texts as characters, then use a dictionary mapping the vowels to two categories of high and low vowels. Here's how:

    ## Package version: 2.1.2
    text1 <- "This is some gibberish for you."
    text2 <- "Some more gibberish. Enjoy!"
    text3 <- "Gibber, gibber, gibber away."
    corp <- corpus(c(text1, text2, text3))
    toks <- tokens(corp, what = "character")
    dict <- dictionary(list(
      high_vowels = c("e", "i"),
      low_vowels = c("a", "o", "u")
    tokens_lookup(toks, dict) %>%
    ## Document-feature matrix of: 3 documents, 2 features (0.0% sparse).
    ##        features
    ## docs    high_vowels low_vowels
    ##   text1           6          4
    ##   text2           6          3
    ##   text3           6          2