Hello and good day to you.
I have a problem. I can register a user, but when I log-in that user, it loads forever and displays an: "UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: ReferenceError: Invalid left-hand side in assignment"
So this is the content of my users table.
The UnhandledPromiseRejection error
Basically, it says that I have a problem on my controllers/auth.js, on line 30.
This is my full code on auth.js.
exports.signin = (req, res) => {
try {
const {email, password} = req.body;
if(!email || !password) {
return res.send("<script> alert('Provide an email and/or Password'); window.location='/signin'; </script>");
con.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = ?', [email], async (error, results) => {
if(!results || !(await bcrypt.compare(password, results[0].password))) {
return res.send("<script> alert('Email or Password is incorrect'); window.location='/signin'; </script>");
else {
const id = results[0].id;
const token = jwt.sign({ id }, process.env.JWT_SECRET, {
expiresIn: process.env.JWT_EXPIRES_IN
console.log("The token is: " + token);
const cookieOptions = {
expires: new Date(
Date.now() = process.env.JWT_COOKIE_EXPIRES * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
httpOnly: true
res.cookie('jwt', token, cookieOptions);
catch(error) {
exports.signup = (req, res) => {
const {name, email, password, passwordConfirm} = req.body;
con.query('SELECT email FROM users WHERE email = ?', [email], async (error, results) => {
if(error) {
if(results.length > 0) {
return res.send("<script> alert('This email is already in use or invalid.'); window.location='/signup'; </script>");
else if(password !== passwordConfirm) {
return res.send("<script> alert('Passwords do not match.'); window.location='/signup'; </script>");
let hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(password, 8);
con.query('INSERT INTO users SET ?', {name: name, email: email, password: hashedPassword}, (error, results) => {
if(error) {
else {
return res.send("<script> alert('USER IS REGISTERED! You are redirected to Sign-in Page.'); window.location='/signin'; </script>");
I watched his channel and copied the code. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VavWEtI5T7c&ab_channel=TelmoSampaio
The problem is the following line:
expires: new Date(Date.now() = process.env.JWT_COOKIE_EXPIRES * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000),
You are trying to assign a value, but it probably should be an addition of the expiration to the current date:
expires: new Date(Date.now() + process.env.JWT_COOKIE_EXPIRES * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000),