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Python print element happens after the next element

I'm trying to make a text-to-morse translator with Python (using Python 3.8 in vs code) But there's a problem in line running order. This is my code(question is after the code):

import winsound
import time

def beep(char):
    sound = {
        '-': 500, 
        '.': 150, 
    for dashdot in item_dict[char]:
        winsound.Beep(500, sound[dashdot])

item_dict = {
    'a': '.-',
    'b': '-...',
    'c': '-.-.',
    'd': '-..',
    'e': '.',
    'f': '..-.',
    'g': '--.',
    'h': '....',
    'i': '..',
    'j': '.---',
    'k': '-.-',
    'l': '.-..',
    'm': '--',
    'n': '-.',
    'o': '---',
    'p': '.--.',
    'q': '--.-',
    'r': '.-.',
    's': '...',
    't': '-',
    'u': '..-',
    'v': '...-',
    'w': '.--',
    'x': '-..-',
    'y': '-.--',
    'z': '--..',
    '0': '-----',
    '1': '.----',
    '2': '..---',
    '3': '...--',
    '4': '....-',
    '5': '.....',
    '6': '-....',
    '7': '--...',
    '8': '---..',
    '9': '----.',
    '.': '.-.-.-',
    ',': '--..--',
    '?': '..--..',
    '-': '-...-',
    '/': '-..-.'

def morse():
    x = input("?\n")
    name_list = list(x)
    for x in name_list:
        print(item_dict[f"{x}"], end=' ')

print('''text to morse-text
    enter the text you want''')


as you can see in this part:

  for x in name_list:
        print(item_dict[f"{x}"], end=' ')

The element print is before the function beep. So it should first print and then make the noise. But it makes the noises and then, after making noise for all chars, prints the codes. What's wrong with it?


  • Add flush=True to your print statement like so:

    print(item_dict[f"{x}"], end=' ', flush=True)

    This forces the output on the console. This is useful in your case, when you specify a custom "end of the line" argument. When it's not a newline, it doesn't get automatically printed as is.