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Ionic React props.match.params doesn't update

I'm building a site to display real estate with React and Ionic.

I have this routing in my App.tsx

    <Nav />
    <IonRouterOutlet id="first">
      <Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
      <Route exact path="/all-properties" component={Properties} />
      <Route exact path="/property/:id" component={Property} />

And I link to the single "/property/:id" page in my website like this:

<Link to={"/property/" + variableId}> ... </Link>

Now on my "/property/:id" page I can access the id from the URL like this:

useIonViewDidEnter(() => {
  console.log(; // This works the first time

The problem is, when I click back to say the home screen, and then visit another of my "/property/:id" pages, the stays the same. It doesn't update.

What could be done to fix it?


  • It turned out that it was Ionics lifecycle method that was the problem.

    My solution was to make a useEffect instead like this:

    useEffect(() => {
    }, [])