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how to execute .sql file using pyodbc connection

I have a folder which contains SQL files. I want to execute all these SQL files using a pyodbc connection.

I tried different ways but I am still facing some issues. My code looks like below.

import os
import pyodbc

conn =  pyodbc.connect('Driver=ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server;'

inputdir = 'C:\SCM\pyodbc'

for script in os.listdir(inputdir):
    with open(inputdir+'\\' + script,'r') as inserts:
        sqlScript = inserts.readlines()
        for statement in sqlScript.split(';'):
            with conn.cursor() as cur:


The error I am getting as follows

AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'split'


  • Don't use readlines, use read. read brings in the whole file as one string, so you can split it on the semicolons. readlines splits the file into lines, and returns a list of lines.