I have a problem with my pieChart spin function. When I call it in main threat it works exactly as expected but, when i call it in coroutines, it does nothing. I debugged the code,it goes into spinWheel() function but doesn't execute pieChart.spin function.
Here is the code.
GlobalScope.launch {
while (!isSpinned) {
try {
rotationDegree = pieChart.rotationAngle - 270
if (rotationDegree > 40) {
isSpinned = true
pieChart.isRotationEnabled = false
spinWheel(1800f + 270f + randNumber , 12000)
} catch (ex: Exception) {
Log.d("TAG", "onCreate: " + ex)
private fun spinWheel(spinDegree: Float, duration: Long) {
pieChart.spin(duration.toInt(), 270f, spinDegree, Easing.EaseOutQuad)
I used 'com.github.PhilJay:MPAndroidChart:v3.1.0' library for pie chart.
I get "android.util.AndroidRuntimeException: Animators may only be run on Looper threads" exception from catch. In this situation i really need to call this function after something happens so, how can i use this spin method ?
When I call the spin function in UIThread it worked correctly.
pieChart.spin(duration.toInt(), startPoint, spinDegree, Easing.EaseOutQuad)