How can I limit the results of data each page in Yajra datatables? Currently I'm using the code below:
return Datatables::of(collect($results))->make(true);
The $results
variable is just an array of data from database.
"processing": true, // Make this true, to show the "Processing" word while loading
"serverSide": true,
"paging": true,
"pageLength": 10,
"ordering": false, // Make this false, to disable sorting
"ajax": "..."
Example data from server
{ "name": "Bob", "Age": 30 },
{ "name": "Billy", "Age": 33 },
{ "name": "Megan", "Age": 31 }
So for example, the first page should load 10 rows, next page 10 rows again, and so on. But what's happening is it loads the 5000+ rows, and just cutting them into 10 table rows in client side which affects the performance of the application. Any idea?
I ended up by just adding these code below, and not using yajra for the functionality.
$limit = request('length');
$start = request('start');
return response()->json([
"draw" => intval(request('draw')),
"recordsTotal" => intval(User::count()),
"recordsFiltered" => intval($total_filtered),
"data" => $results
Everything works fine, and loads faster. I didn't notice that datatables actually throws requests to the laravel end point (route).