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plot GPS position over the road

How can I plot GPS trajectory over road and zoom on that road?

Can someone please take a point (40.74640013950355, -73.98755303328286, in Manhattan) and plot it over the corresponding road network [may be a grid 600ft by 600ft]. Please edit the code below to illustrate -

lat <- 40.74640013950355
long <- -73.98755303328286

tbl <- tibble(lat, long)

ggplot(data = tbl,
       aes(x = lat,
           y = long)) +

Once I know how to plot the road and I can overlay my trajectory data by modifying tbl above.



  • There is no big difficulty to achieve such plot, starting from the example given in tigris library:

    roads <- roads("Maine", "031")
    gg <- ggplot() + geom_sf(data = roads, color="black", fill="white", size=0.25) + theme_map()
    lat <- 43.5; long <- -70.6; bbox = 0.02 
    bbox_gg = coord_sf(xlim=c(long-bbox/2, long+bbox/2), ylim=c(lat-bbox/2, lat+bbox/2))
    gg + geom_point(data=data.frame(lat, long), aes(x=long, y=lat), size=4, color="red") + bbox_gg

    What is done here is just adding a geom_point() aesthetic on top of the geom_sf() layer. We can use a kind of bounding box coordinate limit to adjust the zoom

    enter image description here


    If you need some road names on your map, you can add this to the plot: geom_sf_label(data=subset(roads, roads$RTTYP!="M"), aes(label=FULLNAME)) here I use subset to avoid plotting all little road names. Eventually, you might want to find a way to zoom/subset your data before plotting, because it's gonna be too long to do it like this.