I've a very simple interface where I have a listbox with my employee names and a Input text where I can put the name to search more quickly.
I've I don't put any text on the input I can select the employee name with a highlight like this:
But if I search for the name (and then I will update this element for the new list with only the names that contains the text that I write) I am not able to get the highlight, as you can see:
My code:
import PySimpleGUI as sg
employees_list = ['John','Pete','Anne','Jack','Golsing']
layout = [[sg.Input(visible=True,size=(15, 1), enable_events=True,key='-input-')]
,[sg.Listbox(values=employees_list,size=(15, 3),enable_events=True, select_mode=sg.LISTBOX_SELECT_MODE_MULTIPLE, key='-employee-')]]
Window = sg.Window('DEV', layout)
while True:
Event, Values = Window.read()
if Event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
if Values['-input-'] != '':
search = Values['-input-'].upper()
new_employees = [x.upper() for x in employees_list if search in x]
Window.Element('-employee-').Update(values=new_employees, select_mode=sg.LISTBOX_SELECT_MODE_MULTIPLE)
Has anyone been through this? How can I solve it?
You should handle different event here,
if Values['-input-'] != '':
Here, you will do it if any event generated, so Listbox
will be updated when you click Listbox
, so selection will be set to none, that's why no item selected or highlighted.
So the code should be
if Event == '-input-' and Values['-input-'] != '':
And here you don't recover the listbox to full list when empty input. So maybe you need to handle another case for
if Event == '-input-' and Values['-input-'] == '':
# update Listbox with values=employees_list